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Belinda boosted

@Belindaclaire Did you know that Progressive Christianity and New Age are actually quite similar? Here are 5 quick beliefs they have in common....

@Rinati yes as you say satan masquerades as an angel of light; so many people think they're hearing from the Lord and are actually hearing from seducing spirits appealing to our vanity especially.

@Rinati I know. I cant believe how many are following these wolves. They look and sound so obviously demonic to me

@Olamide I know it's heartbreaking. I used to be New Age until my eyes were opened. It's a seductive doctrine

@Olamide You sound very wise. I quite like fastly 😁 maybe if we use it enough it will be accepted as a new word!

@Olamide yes it's in the video and him saying it. God bless

Belinda boosted

Twitter strikes again! Shuts down account of Chinese virologist who was in Wuhan to investigate virus in December of 2019. She published her findings of how the virus was developed in a lab and it took only 48 hours for her account to be locked up.
THIS is why our DingDash community continues to grow

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