
Steven introduces our theme this week – Keeping It Pure!

GoDeeper with Andy B, as he looks at how to stay pure.

He talks about the importance of not looking at things that are unhealthy, as it won’t lead us closer to Jesus.

And he explains the link between Philippians 4:8 and Matthew 18:9.

Steven & Nathan give us 2 challenges for the week ahead in :

Read and Remember:
Steven encourages us to read the Scriptures for this week; Philippians 4:4-8 and Matthew 18:9, and to remember that what we continually see and hear will inevitably influence the way we live.

Reflect and Respond:
Nathan challenges us to think about what areas of our lives are not pure, and to allow God to cleanse those areas, by focusing on what is good and pure.

The BerryBunch

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