I am thankful everyday for the many blessings from Father God. Today I am especially thankful for the instant answer to prayer this morning, in healing my constant back pain! God is Good, all Glory to Him!
@DevotionalTreasures Praise God!!!
@DevotionalTreasures awesome stuff Alan
@DevotionalTreasures better in many ways, yes
Jo and the boys don't sound fully well, but they're almost back to full speed, now
My 50 minute walk may have been a bit too much, even if I did take it very slowly
Came back and lied down from 5-8pm...
I'm getting there...slower than I'd like, and my walk proved I've got quite a way to go yet 😔 but I couldn't walk from the bedroom to the kitchen a week ago...so definitely improving!
How are you all doing today?