
Is God with you?

I was a reading a post by a good friend this morning – Alan – over on his blog, Devotional Treasures. He titled it “The folly of doing it your way“. As is his usual approach, there was a scripture at the beginning, which I read, and then he took some time to bring the scripture to life in his ever unique style.

It was taken from the Old Testament (Numbers 14:40-45 NASB), but is still a fairly familiar piece of scripture. I’m not gonna give a summary of it here. Read the scripture for yourself, or, even better, go read Alan’s post!

Anyway, the last half of one verse really jumped out at me this morning:

"Do not go up, or you will be struck down before your enemies, for the Lord is not among you."

Read the rest of this post on our website -->

Andy B


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