
Andy B 2 Minute Video, Prayin' and Textin' - it ain't all good... S4, E30

Andy B is a champion multi-tasker. When you look after children, or the home, it’s just something you become quite good at!

You also get very good at it, when operating a lorry mounted crane with 7 controls – and you’re using 5 of them at the same time – and while offloading an abnormally large item, with pedestrians who seem to be rushing to their own end, and ignoring any number of safety warnings, barriers and people you’ve put in place to keep them away from what you’re doing! That one might just have been more specifically a regular situation Andy B encountered as a truck driver – it may not something you’re likely to encounter when you’re popping to the shops!

For the rest of this post, to read the transcript or listen to the podcast, visit our website -

Andy B

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