Throughout Italy we are witnessing a frightening increase in petrol, diesel, methane, electricity and basic necessities.

Many industries are temporarily (I hope) shutting down because they can no longer pay their electricity bills.

In the place where I live there was an entrepreneur who received a bill of 100,000 euros this month while up until now he had always paid around 35,000.

What is happening in your countries?

God bless you.


@faith20 that's nothing but shocking

we've got prices on the increase, with energy costs for homes doubling this year, or worse. some folks buy in large groups, and those have had the worst cost rises

petrol and diesel is rising in cost, although it hadn't really come down from the high costs we saw anyway

food is DEFINITELY going up. £0.25 here, and £0.50 there, while packet sizes are definitely shrinking...

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily Thank you. We hope that they will return to descend as soon as possible. It seems that we can no longer understand what is happening ... or perhaps we can understand it but at all costs we hope that it is not so ... Thanks. God bless you.

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