
Broken Dreams, and Hope! Now available on Amazon!!

A few reviews of the book we launched yesterday. So thrilled it is encouraging people!

“Small confession to make… I just finished reading your book! Finished in a day which is very unusual for me. A real page turner!”

“I read your book last night, it took a little over an hour. It was so good! Each chapter flowed into the next making it hard to put down.”

“Very good, Andy, I’m so very proud and honoured that I can hand this book out knowing I know this family.”

“Letting a person who doesn’t realize that pain and suffering is apart of this life and not something uncommon makes it easier knowing your not alone – life is indeed messy. “

“I love the way you spoke of hurt and abuse but never going into details that would have robbed the reader of their own inward pains and ability to take hold of the Lord’s extended hand – the hand that will never let go.“

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Andy B

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