
Andy B 2 Minute Video, What’s gone has gone, S04E056

Time. The one sure thing we can be certain of is that time cares not for how we’re doing. It doesn’t go faster when we need it to. And no matter how much we will it, it won’t slow down either.

Times marches ever on!

For our online Ministry we’ve taken to doing the bulk of our weekly filming on a Saturday. It doesn’t take up the whole day, but it saves loads of time overall. We’ve given that day over to filming our work – the editing comes later during the following week.

Sometimes things go well, and sometimes, well, they just don’t! And on our last filming day we watched the time racing away from us while we had to deal with numerous problems that cropped up. By the end of Sunday, our weekend had simply not gone as planned, and we were really tired! [READ MORE]

For the rest of the post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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