
I've been working hard at editing my second book - yesterday and today. So I'm off for a cycle for some shopping, before coming back home and jumping at it again. I need to stretch my legs and a good hard cycle should fix that particular problem! Also, we have nothing for dinner tonight = quite the motivator!

This one I'm working on right now should, God willing, be out some time in May if things go well, or June if they don't (it's good having a goal to aim for!). I'll run some teasers with the name and cover at some point after Easter.

And, then, I can start work on the other two books I have sitting waiting to be edited, plus a second volume of the one I'm currently working on today (mostly written and awaiting time for editing), and then one on Marriage too (taken from the episodes of our podcast - Marriage Matters).

Andy B

(photo is from the other day, with jo)

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