
Andy B 2 Minute Video, The blinking cursor of possibilities, S04E079

I’ve finished another book writing project.

I’m pretty thrilled about it, but when I say I’ve finished, that’s just the initial editing. Next up is my middle son – Nathan – who follows behind me cleaning up any spelling mistakes or grammar issues. He’s a star!

After that it’s simply down to finalising the cover while waiting for the foreword being written by a friend, set a date for publishing and away we go!

As I was sitting there looking at the last text, on the last page, I thought about the other books I’ve got stacked up, ready to write.

I love the little blinking cursor on the page of a brand new book, because it reminds me of endless possibilities.

So, where in your life is God wanting you to look further down the road, rather than just a your feet. He cares about your present. But He cares even more about your future... [READ MORE]

Andy B

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