Hebrews 10:36
"For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise".

"Lord, help me keep my eyes and ears fixed on You and not on what I see and hear coming from people and circumstances around me. I believe that Your Word is true; therefore, I am standing firm on Your promise to me. Regardless of what people say or do, I choose to follow You! Please help me to stay put and to ignore other people’s verbal accusations as I hold tightly to Your Word. I pray this in Jesus’ name!"

"I boldly declare that I will not move from the promise Jesus made to me. His Word is true, and His timing is right. Therefore, I am staying put until I see the manifestation of what I have believed. Although the devil tries to use people and circumstances to move me, I refuse to be moved from what Jesus has promised me. I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!"

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