
S04E084, Andy B 2 Minute Video, Good Struggles

Life can be full of struggles. Some can be good – like the effort needed to build muscle in a gym. The struggle feels good, because we can – possibly slowly – see a positive difference to our bodies. Some struggles can be bad – like grieving a loved one when we’re not ready to say goodbye to them, or having to live with life changing injuries from an accident that was not our fault.

In her book, Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom wonderfully illustrates how things that can at first appear truly awful, can be God’s blessings - which is why her sister was praising God for the fleas that attacked them where they slept in the middle of a concentration camp during World War II. If you want to know why that was such a blessing to them, you’ll need to read the book! [READ MORE]

Andy B

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