
S04E098, Peace Trumps Fear, Andy B 2 Minute Video

The UK has seen a terrifying increase in costs for heating and cooking. In the middle of summer, heating seems like something to not worry about. But the latest estimates are that a family who are paying £300 in the summer, will be paying £500 by October and £550 by January. As a family we were only paying £100 at the start of the year. That’s a five fold increase!

In the midst of this our UK Prime Minister has been forced to resign, which leads people to wondering what – and who - comes next, and I struggle to see how we won’t have a Summer, and Autumn, of strikes and protests as poverty bites ever harder on the poorest people of our nation, which is rapidly spreading to those with greater wealth as bills grow, while wages shrink rapidly by comparison with rising living costs. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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