
S04E099, Little Things Matter Too! Andy B 2 Minute Video

On the floor of our studio, for about 2 weeks, has been a tiny piece of black foam.

I knew what it is – the foam cover from a pair of small headphones. But the studio floor is also a fairly busy place, so I left it, and then forgot about it and, then, well, rinse and repeat until I make an Andy B 2 Minute Video out of it!

Eventually I worked out who it belonged to when I spotted Jo’s earphones, missing one circle of black foam from one side - and I finally went to pick it up: I’ll replace the missing one from Jo’s earphones later today from the small bag of spare foam covers that we have, just in case someone loses it on the studio floor, just for example!

But this got me thinking about how often in life we leave things ‘cluttering up the place’. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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