
S05E006, Stuck In The Middle With You, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘meet God in the middle’?

On the one hand it is simply ridiculous that ewe can ever meet God half way – since He is omnipresent. If He is everywhere, then there can be no middle!

But, I do think it is good to consider what it is that God is asking of us. After all, if we simply sat back and said ‘Ok God, I’ll wait for you to move’ we’d have missed the point of the entire scripture. We’d also miss the reason why Jesus became Man, died on a cross, and died – so that we could have a relationship with God.

This would not have been possible without what Jesus did when He descended to hell and defeated even death – the one certainty every one of must face. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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