
S05E013, Standing on the Rock of Rocks! Andy B 2 Minute Video

The seas crash against the shoreline, and the shoreline gets claimed by the sea and it is the same in our lives – things come along to erode away at the very foundation of who we think we are.

When Queen Elizabeth II recently passed away, I will never forget being in our garage, having just arrived from I don’t now remember. I told the family. Jo’s first response was for her eyes to well up, and she shouted ‘No!’. I was simply lost with pain and grief because Her Majesty had a certain faith and, with her passing away, a period of uncertainty immediately dawned upon us, including a new Prime Minister. Much is going to change now.

But, it isn’t just about what may come next. It is also about what was, that is no more. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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