
S05E019, Weather Forecasts and Wet Faces Part 1, Andy B 2 Minute Video

We rely on forecasts for so many things. From weather forecasts for planting crops to financial forecasting to know where our finances will be. Forecasting can cost ridiculous amounts of money for the most accurate types.

But, the thing about forecasts is, no matter how expertly they done, they can be utterly and tragically wrong!

We hear ‘the facts about…’, delivered in such a way that we know we shouldn’t question it. But, question it we should!

You see, no matter how good as the computer is - providing whatever forecast we want - it is only as good as the data is given – supplied by humans, and as good as the programming is, supplied by humans.

And we humans are oh so very fallible!

We hear terms like ‘The facts about evolution’ but, at best, it is simply a theory that has never been proven. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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