
How adaptable are we? Oh, and I’ve got a new book coming out

What struck me today is that I had an idea for a video. Actually, I had several. I didn’t run out of time. I did get focused on a different project. Because, you see, the proof copy for my next book arrived & I’m super excited about it. So much so that I decided to devote time to fixing a few minor alterations that needed to be made, and then to authorise creation of an eBook that will be offered as a choice for those that prefer it.

So, at long last, I’ve decided to use the spot at 6pm (UK time) that would normally be my Andy B 2 Minute Video, to tell you about our need to never to be so focused on something that we miss something else even more important. It’s easy to forget that we serve God, not ourselves. And that, my dear friends, requires a great deal of humility and willingness to be adaptable.

Which leads me nicely on to my next book project – called, cleverly, Just a thought…

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