
Andy B Book launch update

2 Minutes a day can change your world and Just a Thought... does exactly that!
I've been working really hard trying to get everything finished for the launch of my next book - Just a I'm gonna skip a couple of my usual Andy B 2 Minute Videos this week.

These are exciting times for the BerryBunch: if you're missing out on a little Andy B daily logic, here's a little video I made all about the new book (below).

God willing, it'll be available to buy a week tomorrow - that'll be Friday 14th October, as a Paperback or eBook, on Amazon. I'm nearly ready to hit the publish close!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, why not our brand new Check out our Council of Elrond page and see how we keep the Ministry running so well. We've got supporters all around the word, literally! Now you can meet a few of them who walk alongside us regularly.

Andy B

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