
S05E032, Weaker by the turn… Andy B 2 Minute Video

Our sensor bin gets used often and, as it gets used, the batteries eventually get tired and give up their efforts. We put in hew batteries, or freshly recharged batteries, and it becomes all spritely once more.

Are you struggling with feeling tired all the time? You’re serving God but never feel the benefit of His refreshing and recharging?

Then it’s quite possible you’re doing something either in your own strength or against God’s will for your life. Either way leaves you feeling tired, worn down and fed up.

God ALWAYS equips us for the work He asks us to carry out. He will never trick us into doing something and leave us fending for ourselves – that simply isn’t in God’s nature.

So, if you’re tired and run down go back to God and ask Him what His plans are for your life.

Just a thought...

Andy B

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