
S05E046, Wood Piles and God’s Provision, Andy B 2 Minute Video

I wonder if you’re anything like me and feel like you spend so long praying for God to bless you with something, that you miss the moment when God actually blesses you with the very thing you were praying for.

I think part of this is that we are not expectant enough of what God wants to do in our lives. Perhaps we have experienced false teaching about how blessings are always financial (they’re not) and shy away from expecting good things. Expecting God to be some sort of unlimited American Express Card is very wrong. But thinking God of miserly is equally so.

God really does want to bless us with good things! We just need to understand that what God sees as a blessing often takes us a while to accept as such. We allow our feelings to get in the way of good biblical understanding. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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