
S05E049, Evolving Traditions, Andy B 2 Minute Video

We’re always trying to make life just a little easier for ourselves, aren’t we? Well, mostly anyway! And, as we age and mature (again, mostly) we discover things that don’t work, and things that work better.

But how are you with change?

Personally I enjoy needing to change things – it stops things getting boring. It means I have to rethink things I thought I knew, or was certain of. It also helps me remain flexible.

As a family we’ve learned how make videos of the material that we have been inspired to create! We didn’t learn it from a book, or at a college. We simply did it, assessed it, adapted it and rinsed and repeated that. At this stage we’re mostly happy with the quality of what we’re now producing. But we never stop planning, or looking over the work we make, and looking where we can improve what we’re producing. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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