S05E069, When It’s Gone, It’s Gone! Andy B 2 Minute Video

It’s a great feeling when you finally fix something yourself; there is an immense sense of satisfaction when you hear that final ‘click’ as something goes perfectly back into its proper place.

I’ve seen that happen a few times, and it’s always very satisfying!
In life there are some things that we simply can’t put right. It doesn’t matter how hard we try – we just can’t make fix it or repair it.

When we lost our daughter she was just 11 weeks old. There was nothing I, or we, could do to prevent her death. It was utterly out of our control and it took me many years to finally work through that pain and loss and before I was ready to allow my wife and I to consider trying for another baby...[READ MORE]...

Andy B

This video will always be best enjoyed on our website:

@Berrybunchfamily That had to be hard! My then wife and I lost our first child. She was 7 months along in the womb. I saw that she was a beautiful blonde girl who we named Sarah. Looking forward to seeing her in heaven.


@davereimer I'm with you there. Her short life kicked us into making the most of each and every day. Her loss was tragic, but her memory livers on how we try to live our lives

We're also very much looking forward to meeting her in heaven.

Thanks Dave

(sorry for the delayed reply - I didn't get a notification!)

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