
: A Prayer Answered Before It Was Prayed

Every day is a learning day, and every day God is still very much at work.

Read our latest testimony of God at work today!

It's often been said that when we pray we get one of three answers: Yes, No or Wait. I wonder where this one fits in with those three usual response.

A Prayer Answered Before It Was Prayed

We've been praying about how to fund replacement microphones for the ones we've been using to create Video Resources: we wanted some Lavalier Microphones (miniature lapel placed microphones) because the ones we had been using sounded amazing, but were large and not helpful for the aesthetics of our video ie great for radio and podcasting, but not so great for video!

There was one major issue - we couldn't afford to buy the new microphones!...]READ MORE]...

Andy B

For the rest -->

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