
Open Doors, Andy B 2 Minute Video

We all instinctively know that the best way to move through a wall is via a door way. We know that we’re not going to push the brick wall into conceding us to move through it.

So why is it so often we find ourselves straining against the walls of life, getting worn out and angry that God has somehow failed to help us move through this solid object? When, in reality, there is a wide, gaping, open doorway just a few feet away.

We sometimes talk about following God as walking along a path – that he guides us along the paths of life. We read something similar with the shepherds when Jesus was born as God even used a star to guide the shepherds to their destination.

In my walls and doors metaphor, that would be similar to God providing the shepherds with a bright light to light their path, the shepherds knowing about that bright light and the reason for it, then cove…[READ MORE]...

Andy B

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