
One Life, Live It

Every year, on 9th June, we remember our daughter Magdi. She died at 11 weeks and beat us to heaven

Every year, I'm more convinced that the legacy she left behind for us - of living for today for we don't know what will happen tomorrow

Make the most of the life you have - you only get one of them!
With God we may get many 2nd chances, but still just the one life, so make it count and live

Yesterday we had an internet connection installed. The young lad who came saw his dad walk out at a few years old. He doesn't like the society he sees around him, especially the attitudes of people his age; he knows he had to become a dad to his little brother and wants to his own life the right way

He clearly doesn't know Jesus yet. But, his parting words were simply these "man you're doing God's work as a family"

And that is a legacy I'm proud of, that was born out of the death of our daughter in 2006

Andy B

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