From our "on the ground" partner in Laos. Since January until now. Ready for this??
1. 24,361 have heard the gospel
2. 4,671 have been saved. (1 in 5 who heard)
3. 1,792 Baptized (2 in 5 saved get baptized)
4. 134 new discovery discipleship groups
5. 57 new house churches planted
6. 1689 leaders trained.
7. Jesus glorified.

Amen???!!!!!! Pray for Laos. Pray for AIM1040.COM AS we continue to focus on those who have never heard. Love you all.


@ChrisHarrison Back in 2000 I met a brother from Laos. He was close to my age. I remember his smile and enthusiasm. I remember how he played the guitar with so much joy. I've wondered how his life has been since his return to his country 21 years ago... Was he one of the prisoners? One of the ones accomplishing the things on this list? Only God knows. Thank you for going.

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