From My Altar
1. I meddled with the mundane,
The worldlings' treasures I craved to retain,
And the lost I cared less to help,
Then I heard a call -
It was a Macedonian Call.
2. I got me a priestly parish,
Parishioners so kind my pocket to garnish,
Neglecting the Ark in benighted lands,
Then I heard a distant cry -
"Send us reliefs ere we die."
3. I ran to the altar,
My consecration I did utter,
"Lord here am I, send me tomorrow,"
Then I heard a whispery groan:
"Hasten now; every second counts!"
4. I rose from the altar,
Took up my flag and banner,
Away to ailing Africa!
Away to aching Asia!
Sailing to sick Samaria!
Mercy, mercy on Macedonia!