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Where you are may look small, but it's your "university"; a microcosm of the universe, where God is training you for a universal impact. If you succeed there, you'll rule the world.

A protracted dry season often ends with a heavy rain. God smiles on you today with a heavy downpour. The golden gates of heaven are open and I hear the roaring flood of God's blessings flowing in your direction in Jesus' Name.

Dear brothers and sisters, I need your intercessor, my wife is thirty-four weeks pregnant, but yesterday suddenly there was a large amount of amniotic fluid outflow, and then we rushed to the hospital for overnight examination, the baby in the belly is normal. However, the doctor advised the baby to be born because of insufficient amniotic fluid. The baby was born prematurely at thirty-four weeks. Please pray for the baby and Grace ,wishing them peace and health.

Going by the constitutions of many countries, Joseph was doubly disqualified to be a prime minister in Egypt. One, he wasn't a citizen of Egypt. Two, he was a convicted criminal. But God's mercy and grace located Joseph and covered his limitations. Look away from your physical limitations. With God, all things are possible.

I discovered that there's a point you'll get in your walk with God when He speaks only once to you but you hear Him twice. He doesn't speak twice for you to hear Him once. It will be an act of doubt or immaturity to tell God to speak again to you to confirm His earlier word to you.

God's word speaks of "oneness" in marriage, not "sameness". Oneness in marriage isn't the same as sameness. The right and left hands work together as one, but they're not the same. The efficiency of the right and left hands is in their diversity. They'll lose their efficiency when you attempt to make them to be the same.

Through the help of God and to His glory and praise, we were able to dedicate and commission the free welding and fabrication training workshop in one of our mission fields at Sii community in Khana LGA of Rivers State, Nigeria on Saturday, September 23, 2023. This is going to be a platform for soul winning, discipleship, and the expansion of God's kingdom in the Ogoni tribe.

"A servant to the nations,
Laden with Calvary's passions;
A servant that goes
To tribes cursed with Adam's woes;
A servant that groans
On the knees with griefs and moans;
A servant that gives,
And all his life for his Lord he lives."

Is it right for us in the New Testament to be anointing people with olive oil?

It's fine to stick to your opinion and I respect you for that.

But did you ever read this in the Bible?

That was a mystery language written by God Himself. The magicians couldn't interpret it; only Daniel could by divine wisdom. And what was the interpretation of those coded texts? Political? Religious? Spiritual?

Those coded texts revealed God's political plans for the then ruling empire, which came to pass in few hours.

We can see that God rules in the affairs of men and it's not strange if He reveals His plans in politics, economics, science, etc., to the world through the church in coded languages (tongues)..

Thanks for your opinion. But the Bible says that when we pray in tongues, we're speaking mysteries. Also note that those mysteries have interpretations (the gift of the interpretation of tongues).

But what are those mysteries? Are they just abstract heavenly mysteries that don't have any earthly relevance? Or are they only religious mysteries that are only applicable within the four walls of a local church?

Don't you think those mysteries, when decoded or interpreted, have to do with the mission of the church on earth?

Does the church have a role to play in entertainment, economy, health, education, politics, business, family, military, etc.?

Don't you think that by praying in tongues heavenly principles on how to establish God's kingdom on earth can be unveiled through us?

Meanwhile, I'm speaking from experience, not mere theory, of the great blessings I've received through praying in tongues.

If there are problems around us that seem to have defied all efforts to solve them, and if the problems are such that confront us always and which we can't just ignore, then I believe that it's clear that the Lord wants us to have the gift so that we can use it to help humanity to His absolute praise and glory.

I believe that the church can use the gift of praying in tongues (glossolalia) to make great scientific discoveries, solve economic problems, eradicate illiteracy and poverty, etc.

Tongues are the divine secret codes (passwords, keys) to God's secret solution to the world's problems.

Python, JavaScript, C++, etc., are written programming languages.

Speaking in tongues is a praying language.

Maybe someday we'll begin to write and read these mysteries by the Holy Ghost in esoteric codes to solve complicated problems. Remember the code: "Mene, mene, tekel..."

Two questions we need to answer if we must live a fulfilled life:
1. Who am I?
2. Why am I here?

So tearful were my eyes and in sorrow I did bow.
But so love-full were Thine hands that caressed my brow.❤️

"Lord, help me."

This is the shortest worship in the Bible to Jesus by a woman whose daughter was possessed by demons. And she got a quick deliverance for her daughter.

Lord, so bloody was my sins' visage,
But "bloodier" was the crimson tide to engrave in me Your Image.

"Lord, save me."
This is the shortest prayer in the Bible by Peter when he was drowning. But it brought the quickest response from Jesus - He stretched forth His hand and saved Peter.

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