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The freedom of speech is steeped in the freedom of choice. The freedom of choice is as old as the Garden of Eden. Free speech is an inalienable right. It is God-given!
Censorship of free speech has now been shut down. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon along with ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and others have done what was thought to only happen in communist countries. Amazon, a publicly owned company, shut down Parler, a competing social media platform with Facebook, Twitter and others.
Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it. There is a deafening silence against censorship by those that feel justified by it. What will you say when they turn against you to silence your voice.
They will turn on the Christian community soon. While the church was at war with one another over the election; No one was protesting the House sponsored and passed legislature to never again use gender specific terminology in it halls.

The Church is doing nothing in regards to all the homosexual advances in childhood education and special rights. The preaching of the gospel is now being viewed as hate speech, spiritual manipulation and homophobia. Christians have been DECEIVED!
The CANCEL CULTURE doesn’t want nor welcome any dissenting views. It extends from the Halls of Congress to corporations; from corporations to the entertainment industry; from the entertainment industry to social media; from social media to the church; and from church to the families. If people don’t agree with each other’s position, right or wrong, this culture will blackball and blacklist you. The CHURH has been DECEIVED!

Today as you attend your church, please remember the martyred Christians in Indonesia. Two days ago 4 Christians from the Salvation Army were killed and beheaded and six churches were burned to the ground.
WARNING - this report contains graphic photos that might be disturbing for minors.

Don't know what your theology says, but China's apocalyptic events just keep coming! No joke! ...Worst floods ever, earthquakes almost every day, covid-19, bubonic plague, locusts, swine flu, hail the size of golf balls, fire coming from heaven and burning buildings, sun going black in middle of day, winds so strong people have to crawl, and now one of the worst snow storms of the year and looks like a Game of Thrones episode.
Is God trying to tell China something?

I did something this week that i NEVER thought I would do in my lifetime....
I spoke at an illegal church gathering in the US.

@sinbach it is madness, these people are full-on schizophrenic, on one hand they say this is the worst ever, on the other hand they will support the world global lockdown due to a weak virus, which has shut down trades imports exports,
and media is busy pushing vaccines, virus and closet communism

the chances of trump winning are growing bigger by the minute. Pennsylvania just turned red in the early counting. big states like FL, MI, WI also looking red. I do not think that was the red that China was hoping to see on the US Map.

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