Now that we have a couple of thousand people on DingDash - I would LOVE to hear where you guys are from. Please write below what part of the world you are joining us from.

@sinbach Originally from Georgia, lived all over USA. Oregon is home now for over 12 years...

@Ctyree I would love the south more if it were colder. My heart loves the south, but my soul yearns for the cold weather. I am a northern boy from birth. Love the North West.


@sinbach Yeah, my wife lived there with me for two years from high cold desert Utah LoL Kept saying I can't breath the air is made of water and is the sun ever going down? Fire ants didn't help either. LoL We both love the Pacific Northwest except for the liberal craziness... Love & Prayers PS shared your link on Gab about Jesus loves freedom of speech...

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