
I feel very often that my life is a tug of war; I am pulling one way trying to stay healthy and serve God more, but Satan and bad health are pulling me back. I refuse to give him an inch! I dig in and hold the line by leaning on God and His Word, my own strength is insufficient in this tug of war – my Anchor man at the end of my rope is my Lord!

I sought the Lord, and He answered me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
— Psalm 34:4

@DevotionalTreasures I am facing a similar struggle.
I'm about halfway through this audiobook. I've also been listening to Pastor Chris Harrison's teachings on the Scriptures and healing. My faith is being strengthened, but at the same time it seems the physical symptoms have intensified recently. It does seem to be a battle, but like you, I shall "dig in and hold the line by leaning on God and His Word." Amen, amen to the Lord being the Anchor man at the end of the rope! We are weak, but He is all-powerful.

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