Welcome to Pure 24/7 Radio
We are Pure 24/7 Radio - Everyone's cup of tea.
Trust Without Fear
The Repentant King
#Book Review: The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on #Christology https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/07/20/review-the-word-made-flesh-the-ligonier-statement-on-christology/
In case you missed it: Have a blessed Son + Day: Something to have in your #church #prayers in light of #Christ's Global Great Commission https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/07/23/this-sunday-at-church-pray-for-the-gospel-to-advance-in-turkmenistan/
Keep Going On Going On
Psalm Sunday (119:70)
The Think Institute Interview: #Ecclesiastes Is A Presuppositional #Apologetics Book
#Theology #Christianity https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/07/19/the-think-institute-interview-ecclesiastes-is-a-presuppositional-apologetics-book/
7 Days Til the Music Begins
A message from Andy B about the launch of Pure 24/7 Radio.
Praying All Things
Appreciate Clyde reblogging this: "Helping our Child’s Anxiety" https://clydeherrin.wordpress.com/2022/08/06/helping-our-childs-anxiety/
Mid-July 2023 Presuppositional #Apologetics’ Links
#Christianity #Theology https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/07/15/mid-july-2023-presuppositional-apologetics-links/
The Height of Love
The Website you’ve been waiting for - https://www.pure247radio.org/
The BerryBunch are no strangers to Radio, or performing in front of others. And, with Pure 24/7 Radio, you can now enjoy them - and the other presenters who will be joining the station in the coming weeks and months – 24 hours every day from your mobile phone, tablet, computer or smart speaker!
This Brand New, UK based radio station is being launched all around the world starting with 6 Presenters and 13 shows all ready to go. And, as you'd expect from anything the BerryBunch are involved in, the lyrics will be pure and the music out of this world good!
You can expect plenty of Live Radio, great chats, features you'll love and music you'll want to listen to again, and again.
Check us out and tell a friend. Or shout it from the roof tops. We know we are!
Pure 24/7 Radio is here and has arrived wherever you can find an internet signal!
Andy B
A Scottish father and grandfather. I have been following God for 36 years. Here I share my daily devotional writing from my blog. May God bless you!