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Pure 24/7 Radio turns 4 weeks old today.

Here's to the future! - Everyone's cup of tea

Connected to our Live Portal...usually like to do that about an hour before we go Live

Suffice to say MANY technical issues (nothing at our end) meant we didn't actually connect - to be able to speak Live - until about 15 seconds before the end of the first sing of our Sunday, Family Focus show!

Just about made it, minus a sound check and various other things we can't actually do until our computer can 'connect'

Still, that's Live radio for you, and we wouldn't want it any other way


Andy B

PS we do a riddle every week. Have a go at an answer and we'll give you a mention on air, next Sunday 😊

Heavy metal, hard rock...oh and chucking in some Gospel too

Proud of oldest son. And, my word, does he have the perfect voice for this show!!!!!

Andy B

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DingDash is one server in the network