
I said/tried ro say on Gettr that I don't know how much people have read/researched this, but someone should SERIOUSLY look into it.

Leo Zagami broke these news in his newest book:

"Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 7: From the Occult Roots of the Great Reset to the Populist Roots of The Great Reject":

"Chapter One

Resettling the herd for the Great Reset
The Rise of the Fourth Reich
The Sabbatean Frankist Involvement and the QAnon PSYOP
From QAnnon to the Metaverse Courtesy of Cyber Satan
The Not So "Great" King Satan and Mr. Klaus
How the Club of Rome and Nazism Influenced the World Economic Forum"

Amazon -> Look Inside, maybe 50-60% of Chapter 1 can be read.

If f.ex. QAnon is a PSYOP [something like a intelligence/millitary-related PSYchological OPeration] (books written about such things), if it is a trap of sorts, it should be researched, uncovered, avoided! A friendly warning from someone who read that part lately.

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