This info is of special interest to the good-will, good-hearted Back To Jerusalem - Movement and partners worldwide:
There has been increasing talk about also cult-ish Jewish or semi-Jewish involvement in the workings of the world for a long time. A lot of prominent people with Jews/Israeli roots (such as Zelenko, Zagami) have pointed to SERIOUSLY evil groups within the Jewish/Israeli world that just these last few years have made life indescribable miserable to other Jewish/Israeli people. Jews framing Jews. People hiding behind the ethnicity as a shield. This is VERY dangerous both for them and all of us that want Israel and the Jewish people WELL. I say this with love and care. We live in VERY SERIOUS TIMES.
Also several Christians have pointed to this, and it is not even news. It has been going on for a long time, if not since the time of Moses or Abraham...