
To Brother Yun's defense. From a Norwegian from many generations Christians & missionaries. 2/2

Some say: "Shang Di, Lord of the Harvest." It is not something strange or foreign. It is close to home, close to tradition, the true spiritual roots of all humans. Something good & old, really ancient. The ancient, true, good God. Confusian-Christians made a template in the 1920s the Underground Church follows. Many elderly Chinese (common people & officials alike) in the 1900s had enormous love and respect for God, also today.

What we see in the revivals in modern China the last 100-200 years, is God's wonderful work. It is a true movement of God's enormous love & wonderous plan for & through China.

No Western missionary could ever do what GOD does. No Chinese would ever be able to do what only GOD does, without God. But WITH God, it it marvellous, wonderful in our eyes to see what GOD does hand-in-hand with our beloved Chinese people friends! Thank God! :-) 🙏

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