
"KINGDOM FOUNDATION by Wolfgang Simson
Google Drive for you to replay it/share it & pass it on to others."

"Charles Larkin, an American Psychologist living in Canada co-hosting this Zoom event together with Ezra Williams from Nigeria, wrote:

"As we approach the end of the age, our world will soon experience perhaps the most incredible event ever to
occur in human history as God's Holy Spirit begins to prepare Jesus' bride for her homecoming. Many within the current "pastor/building" based body of Christ are becoming aware that the current church constitution and structure are inadequate to hold the weight and the glory of the coming great harvest which many prophetically believe could be in excess of three billion people. If God has given you a passion to understand what the emerging kingdom-based ecclesia on earth may look like as we close out the age, you will appreciate the enclosed zoom panel presentation by Wolfgang Simson both challenging and riveting."

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