
(And then I did not even mention the Chinese themselves, the OTHER Chinese, like the NTD since the 1980s? 2000s? Or like the Whistleblower Movement ex-/internal CCP and/or Miles Guo since the 2017+ and eeven more so since 2020+.)

((What if the Red and the Blue really are the same in the underworld, hmm? They play a very different game, far above most people's heads, and below their "feet" and presumed bottom lines of what people and demons are capable of. And they may not even MENTION God - who knows them better than THEY do. So where does that leave the straggling Christian churches? WHERE ARE THE TRUE PROPHETS!

In the old days, AND TODAY, states, nations look for prophetic insight. They spend all kinds of times with wise men & wise women, witches, fortune tellers, astrologers - the armies used to seek GOD and GOD's people, - NOW - WHERE ARE THE TRUE PROPHETS!

As Brother Yun & Brother Ren said in 2023 - The world asks WHO HAS LIGHT! And then the GOD, Jesus, Holy Spirit message.))

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