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"Jews & Arabs celebrating Jesus as ONE in Jerusalem! - What a beautiful name/O Come all ye Faithful"

"Our Prophetic Future revealed in the appointed days - Return of the Kingdom Episode #3


Looking at the conflict Israel is facing many are asking if we're in the end days described in Revelation. But the clues to the return of our messiah are hidden in plain sight with the Biblical appointed days found in the Torah! Despite the darkness of the war and antisemitism we see a glimmer of hope and a prophetic promise of spiritual restoration in the story of Nehemiah for our present day.

We continue this 3 part mini-series to discover the amazing prophecies of the end times found in the ancient Jewish festivals! Join Dr. Erez Soref, Dr. Golan Broshi and Hadas Orth as we explore our ancient past revealing our prophetic future! If you missed Episode one check it out here!"

"Pray and support this powerful series reaching Israel and help us create more resources like this! Become a One for Israel partner today!"

I don't agree with everything that this Mark Passio says about things, but he's certainly got some points!

(It's from the 'de-facto satanism slideshow' - yep, that's mainstream culture, even "church"! Slide 38-39 ca.)

(Did you know that sodomic-gomorric territory is a breedingground for (astan-)satanism in itself the last 200 years? )

"BTJ has been reporting on the influence of the CCP on TikTok for several years. Every year, BTJ hosts a hacker’s conference where hackers from around the world come together to help missionaries on the field. One of the top recommendations from the Hacker’s Conference for Chinese missionaries on the field is to not use TikTok."

Well, 'I wonder why' - when it programs & influences young minds - even a family youngster says 'it's stupid' by now - and jumping into MaoWok, is it any wonder there is "a stir-fry" going on, no matter the subject in question. After all, we're talking TOTALITARIANISM (-'fake-communism-nazism-'-cleptocracy-front) here... Players and actors in/on the great world theatre etc.

Coffee-table book with wonderful pictures from China and the work etc.

" ...full of photos and short stories about Christmas in China and is a perfect evangelistic tool to share the true meaning of Christmas.

What does Christmas mean when Christmas trees, pumpkin pie, gifts, and chestnuts roasting on open fires are all gone? This book shares the answer to that through the Chinese underground house church experience, by using stunning pictures and short stories from China.

This book is perfect to leave in your living room, classroom, office common area, or waiting rooms to share the real meaning of Christmas with unbelievers.

This special Christmas book comes with a CD of 9 genuine Chinese Christmas songs recorded in secret and sung by the underground house church.

This is not the typical Christmas book. It makes a great gift for your friends, family, and those visiting your home!"

Merry Christmas soon, "to children from 1-92" (minus & plus :-)) (Nat King Cole, Christmas Song...)
"Courageous Obedience: Tales From Fufu's Forest"

"KINGDOM FOUNDATION by Wolfgang Simson
Google Drive for you to replay it/share it & pass it on to others."

"Charles Larkin, an American Psychologist living in Canada co-hosting this Zoom event together with Ezra Williams from Nigeria, wrote:

"As we approach the end of the age, our world will soon experience perhaps the most incredible event ever to
occur in human history as God's Holy Spirit begins to prepare Jesus' bride for her homecoming. Many within the current "pastor/building" based body of Christ are becoming aware that the current church constitution and structure are inadequate to hold the weight and the glory of the coming great harvest which many prophetically believe could be in excess of three billion people. If God has given you a passion to understand what the emerging kingdom-based ecclesia on earth may look like as we close out the age, you will appreciate the enclosed zoom panel presentation by Wolfgang Simson both challenging and riveting."

"Young people simply do not feel connected to the colonial religion that has been forced on them.

In addition to that is a massive revival that has been taking place in Iran for the last two decades. So many young people have turned to Christ in Iran and continue to do so. BTJ has been supporting the printing of Bibles, training of leadership, and most recently supporting Iranian missionaries as they leave out to unreached nations in the region."

God is indeed shining a bright light on many nations & things in all nations these days, thank God! :-)

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