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Has anyone even SEEN the Back To Jerusalem frontpage news lately?? (Page 2/2)

Has anyone even SEEN the Back To Jerusalem frontpage news lately?? (Page 1/2)

Leo Lyon Zagami:
"Exploring the Illuminati Occult Part 48: The Origins of Islam, Baphomet, and Secret Societies"

Update from: pastoral [at] backtojerusalem .com:

"Continued Prayer Requested"

"Sister Deling Prayer Update

Greeting all:

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for Sister Deling (wife of Bro. Yun of the Heavenly Man). She is in stable condition and has been taken out of intensive care but is still under observation and more testing will be undertaken.

We will keep you updated as to her progress. Bro. Yun and family extends their strong appreciation and thanksgiving for your loving support."

BTJ -> Middle East Project, Naghmeh Panahi's tip
Sheep Among Wolves Volume II (Official Feature Film) - The Persecuted Church

BTJ-> Middle East Project, Naghmeh Panahi's tip
FAI online movies
Sheep Among Wolves - The Persecuted Church

"Dr. 'David Martin' "100% 'Covid-19' Was Premeditated Murder & Terrorism Against The World" "

I would also like to add a power struggle most people don't know. Internal civil war between old factions, monarchical-presidental, experiments to deliver a global totalitarian model Old Testament style, ancient and futuristic world meet. The 1800s and early 1900s horror shows through 1984/2020+ meet "Star Wars" so to speak.

The papacy was one of these groups in the 1960s. (Leo Lyon Zagami.)
So was "the Swiss guard" and aryan global protectors, and aryanism is satanism-paganism and not "a race" in a Hitler-styled vocabulary, first and foremost.

'Communism' and 'spin-off' 'Nazism' are products of the same old Babylonian machinery focused on Rome for almost 2000 years, and occult Alexandria++ before that.

It's about active, diabolical slavery. Immoral, amoral, ungodly. Even idolatrous, pagan papacy "anything goes".

We live in a world where that is easy to see in history and even today.

( I saw Holistic had reposted this from the user petus on Gettr, but I can't find it here, so I'll just make a copy: )

Dr. 'David Martin' "100% 'Covid-19' Was Premeditated Murder & Terrorism Against The World"

News from Stop World Control:

"Watch the interview of
Tucker Carlson with Vladimir Putin"

Pastoral at BTJ sent out an emergency prayer request for Sister Deling, the wife of Brother Yun. Please pray for her, for more info please contact

From centuries about computers to modern data hoarding, mining to the global brain - where the ancient world and modern world meet (also in spiritual-occult terms):

Happy National Day, Sápmi !

"Sámi Soga Lávlla" [Sápmi] - National Anthem of The Sami People (Northern Sami)

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