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I was personally blacklisted by almost all my friends, in a coordinated effort within the organized caving community to which we all belonged, simply because I challenged their own COVID shot mandates. Even if that blacklisting should someday end, those friendships are forever lost. Even heartfelt apologies โ€” which I do not expect โ€” can not wipe out the anguish and hurt caused by such vindictive actions.

My story sadly is not unique.

@GetsGreased I remember a Star Trek episode with a similar idea. To make humane war a civilization had fake bombs fall and fake body counts and everyone had to line up at the incineratorโ€ฆ

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โ€œ Conclusions

1. The FDA and CDC have cooporated to issue emergency use authorizations and rollout new, bivalent Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines this week, without any human trials, which is unprecedented.

2. These vaccines continue to enjoy extraordinary protection from liability, while the recipient has no access to the legal system in the case of injury.

Sun worship makes sense for atheists. They believe the whole earth dies to the sun one dayโ€ฆ..

Elecnurs3 boosted

I was told my whole life that one day the Antichrist would come and plunge the world into hopeless darkness. Iโ€™ve met evil and Iโ€™ve met God, and spent a lifetime being controlled by fear. And what Iโ€™ve come to realize is Antichrist already has ruled the world for centuries, and though his power ids broken, his lies are still causing hate and war and death. But Hope, Faith, and Love? These things the enemy never has the power to touch.

Ever awake from a dead sleep having dreamt of a tidal wave so real you are sweating convinced it happened and staring out a window?

@icare4america Kari Lake is so brave to embrace conservatism after being such a long time supporter of trans rights

@gabriel I donโ€™t see the humor here? Shrug. I kinda buy a lot of this but the interstellar travel

If there are two sides and one is just evil and the other deceives the saints, which will God be angry with? Both. Which will God judge first? Scriptural answers only.

@pamby1 @THEDodgerPrincess the inherent problem is this solution skips the problem, which is no one should ever be required to have a medical procedure without consent.

@AnotherStag they donโ€™t care if folks with sense believe them. They care about the kids. The kids have been conditioned to believe anything as long as they can be comfortable

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@NurseRatched As a man who got grace when I didnโ€™t deserve it, perhaps this is a lesson for us. Do we now decide who deserves grace? Do we only ration it out like it is limited in supply? The world will judge her, but who will judge us?

I often hear that our govt with its freedom is based on Christian principles. If so, itโ€™s because of whatโ€™s unsaid. We can have freedom of speech in this country, but only as long as folks practice grace and respect. We can have freedom of press, as long as the press seeks truth and not propaganda. We can be armed as long as everyone is taught to value life. We can worship God however we want, but how long will this country last when people stop valuing what Christian principles teach? You can marry who you like, love who you like, but you canโ€™t change what God called good. Itโ€™s whatโ€™s left unsaid.

@sinbach the country is divided on whether the comma belongs in your sentence.

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