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Has the historical site of the Red Sea Crossing, according to Exodus 14 been found? This is very plausible and informative information.

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Saturday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Depression and hopelessness can and will destroy you, but putting your trust in Jesus Christ gives Hope and Victory! Come unto Jesus Christ today! There is still Hope for you!

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It may feel as though life has slowed down during all the lockdowns and restrictions the past year, but BTJ missionaries are still faithfully taking the Gospel into the most unreached nations in the world.
Our prayers are a vital part of their work. Would you take time to pray for them today?

Here's 12 ways to pray for missionaries working in the 10/40 window:

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Friday morning and there is still Hope in Jesus Christ! Regardless of creed, color or nationality, Christ Jesus died for you! For God so loved you that He gave His Son for your redemption! Come whosoever will unto Jesus Christ today!

Not the labors of my hands
Can fulfill thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and thou alone.

Augustus M. Toplady

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Thursday evening War Update: The battle against the conservatives and the Church is ramping up!Christians fret not, Jesus said these days would come. Jesus said, He would never leave or forsake us! He knows all about our battles!

Pastor Artur Pawlowski who stood up to authorities invading his Easter Sunday service.

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As a husband I remember one of the best gems of wisdom given to me by an elderly brother; "always be quick and willing to lead by apologising." Similarly in our walk with God we should be quick and willing to repent often before Him in prayer.

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I want to know the answer: Are we supposed to accept that raping migrant children is the “new normal”?!?! I cannot think of a greater evil than this. I totally and completely renounce what is happening on our border and I pray for God’s judgement and God’s mercy in this hour.

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Health update: I just received news by phone today that an appointment for an MRI in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary has been posted out to me today. I had no headaches yesterday...praise the Lord for His provisions!

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As I began my reading in the book of Ruth God showed me the message in this post about "The God of the Famine."


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There are many reasons to pray, in my opinion the simplest reason is the best of all. That we just want to be near Him. Too often our prayers can be filled with purpose driven lists, when maybe just hanging out with the Triune God is all we really need.

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Prayer Request:
I have the opportunity to serve at a missionary cafe in Galway, Ireland for 6 months to a year. The tentative start date is in June, it's already been delayed once due to covid-19 lockdowns.

Ireland is going to start opening back up at the end of this month, please pray that this all goes well, so the tentative start date becomes official. Also please pray for my pre-visa application to be processed and accepted. Right, now the visa office, to my knowledge, is closed and is not processing visas but will open up with everything else at the end of the month.

Here's a link to the Cafe i will be serving at if anyone wants to know more about their mission:

Thank you to everyone in advance! God is good and everything will work out according to His Will!

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