Funding has finally started flowing again to BTJ missionaries after months of difficulty. We are praising God for this today! 🙏🏼
Mid-May 2021 Presuppositional #Apologetics Links
A lesson from my grandson!
When the Holy Spirit comes !
Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
Draw near to God and blessedness, happiness, and joy is with Him.
What ultimately accounts for the failure of the false prophet to think clearly is the fact that he is deliberately determined to defend himself and to think well of himself.
Pride is the root cause of the trouble.
The view of the false prophet starts with the postulate that whatever else may be the cause of the troubles in life, it is not man himself.
The blessedness, the happiness, the joy is something that will result from our seeking righteousness and from our becoming righteous.
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Praising Him in my soul!
Man Up! What is a Christian Man?
Almighty and gracious God and Father,
we know you are the God of compassion and faithful love.
We know Jesus was a living demonstration of your love for all people.
We beg, we plead, that the animosity of people toward Christians today can be overcome through our acts of genuine and loving compassion demonstrated toward the least, the last, and the lost of our time.
May we be known as people who not only love each other, but also love those whom our world overlooks, shuns, and forgets.
I ask this in Jesus' name and to continue his legacy. Amen. 🙏
#Apologetics Sermon Illustration: Does a Fake Police Officer disprove real Officers Exist and Disproof of #Christianity
The #Church during 2021: #Pray for India and Nepal Concerning the Rise of Virus Infections
Sharing the Good News excitedly!
Come let us reason together.
We do not serve our Master perfectly, but we would if we could.
“Be careful that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit based on human tradition, based on the elements of the world, rather than Christ. For the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ, and you have been filled by him, who is the head over every ruler and authority.”
Colossians 2:8-10
#Apologetics Sermon Illustration 61: Water Connect Puzzle and Harmonization of Doctrines and #Bible Contradictions
#Jesus #Bible #Christianity
This is a rewrite of a post from a year ago called "Pass It On."
#FlashbackFriday: 1 year ago this day we posted "Responses to Dr. Richard Howe’s Alleged Refutation of Presuppositional #Apologetics"
#VanTil #Christianity
Please pray for an aged Gospel worker, he remained a bachelor to care for orphans.
Left his homeland and settled among the people group he adopted.
He is on treatment for prostate related issues. Restless and sad as there are no visitors. Dementia, even gets paranoid sometimes.
Please pray for Divine health and peace.
#God’s attribute: The #Sovereignty of God Part 4
#Theology #Christianity #Calvinism
Hebrews 6:10
John 15:5
Retired pastor/teacher to inner city homeless/drug/alcohol addicted.