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11 July 2021

Please pray for;
1. Team members transitioning from currency and digital economy to materials and services or even bartering of goods.

2. Communication chaos between educated ones and Oral communities to end.

3. Father Heart of God to replace our selfish fleshly hearts.

4. The eyes of the educated may open. Mostly non literate are responding to the love of the Father and accepting Salvation through Jesus.

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Endurance, Season 2, Episode 7, Stay on Target!

Steven introduces our theme this week – Stay on Target!

As usual, we have with Andy B and with Steven and Nathan.

Go Deeper with Andy B as he explains what staying on target means.
He talks about how we should be witnessing to those in our orbit. We don’t have to travel to a foreign country to preach the Gospel. We ought to show God’s love to whomever He places within our reach, like our colleagues at work.

He also touches on the topic of pleasing others. We can’t possibly please everyone. Instead we should please God by doing what He has asked us to do.

Steven & Nathan discuss what ‘Staying on Target’ means for us, and what we can do about it:

Read and Remember / Reflect and Respond

The BerryBunch

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1 Timothy 2:1-2
A Call To Prayer

1First of all, then, I urge that petitions (specific requests), prayers, intercessions (prayers for others) and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people, 2for kings and all who are in [positions of] high authority, so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

...And now this from the seaport town of Indian Hills, Colorado! 😂🤣

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Here is my thought on prayer today:
In our frail humanity we can never be cautious enough in how we approach the Throne of Grace in prayer. We would do well to apply the ratio of listen (to God) twice, and speak (in prayer) once. After all we have two ears and only one mouth!

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My name is Rodney Hine. In 2004 I started using crystal meth to cope with life. In 2006 I was arrested and released on promise to appear. In 2008 I got my girlfriend at the time pregnant. Shortly after I got arrested. This woman fought for me and helped get me out of jail and into treatment. At the end of 2008 our baby was born. Early 2009 we got married. Fall of 2009 I finished treatment and started using again. 2012 I left my wife and son to run the streets and do drugs. 2015 I'm on the brink of suicide when I call out to God to move in my life. Shortly after I entered Adult and Teen Challenge and gave my heart to Jesus. 2016 I graduated the program, my marriage is restored and my family moves 8 hours from home to start a new live with me. 2021 I'm now the Program Manager of the men's center I graduated from.

All glory to the one who saved me and gave me a new heart. Never lose hope, God can do anything.

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The Gospel is the same unchanging Truth no matter how man may try to hide it, or hide from it. There is no Salvation in anyone other than Jesus Christ!

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Remove Justin Trudeau
Stop selling Canada out. This is a Judeo-Christian country
Justin Trudeau is responsible for the burning of those chruches and hate-crimes against canadian Christians, with his anti-Christian hate speeches

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