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Ty and charlene Bollinger did a magnificent 9 part series called truth about vaccines. It truly is astounding the cover up.

Man if we just began to look at the magnificent things God has created filled with vitamins and minerals
He would know what we have need of.

We are like a man who puts petrol on a diesel car when it then breaks down we then complain to the manufacturer

I would love to sit down amongst other Christians who knows the danger and are aware of these things.

Oh the doctors are gods. The UK did a here be thy gods during the lockdown. While all the churches shut down for communal worship. Every Thursday at 8 everyone and i mean every one came out of their houses clapping and giving their reverence to NHS, wonder how many Christians were joining, when not joining for communal worship to our creator

@erdenpilger i am aware that it will probably come to that. But the damage done by the vaccines will be far greater than this virus,
If i dont have a job then so be it. If the churches in my area will drink of that fountain then let them drink.
The damage done by those vaccines you might as well come at me or my family with a weapon.
Specifically the new rna vaccines which attaches it self to your dna, that is directly tampering with the creation of God

EM. Bounds
If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day.

My daughter almost 4 is un vaccinated, she is the most strong, clever energetic, quick thinking child,
Come near her with a needle and i will look at that needle as if it is a knife or gun.
Paul saud we are not ignorant of the devils devices,
Yet the church has closed their eyes.
We open our doors to sorcery, witchcraft, murders, poison.
We expect people of this world to behave as if they are children of light.
Yet the Bible calls them children of darkness

Man if you tell people that they got 99.98% chance of winning the lottery Tomorrow, the waiting line will be unending.
Yet somehow even with a 99.98% survival, most christians still refer this to a deadly pandemic. If not the madness what this has brought to light is where the loyalty of people truly are placed, christ or caesar, even if those that give lip service to Christ it is now evident they serve caesar.

From spurgeon morning and evening devotion. How fitting is not this word for today.

I am frustrated at the UK church leonard ravenhill said correctly that it is as dead as a dodo
Comparing the corona to the spanish flu. The spanish flu didnt have a survival rate of 99.96%
If this is the excuse you want to use for shutting down churches then dont come anf say oh dont leave the body. When you stopped functioning like one, you stopped doing baptisms, no communion, no worship, no fellowship, as EM bounds said the letter killeth, a lot of theology no spirit

Last week I found the documentary called "American Gospel -Christ Alone". I had never heard of it. But it puts words and understanding to my journey of 30 years in 'Churchianity'. It's an explanation as to why I myself, like most American Christians, could not even come close to telling another person what is the GOSPEL. God forgive us. For exporting a false gospel to the nations.
May we COME OUT to YOU, JESUS... Forsaking the god of this world for CHRIST ALONE💞

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