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Christians continue to be slaughtered in Nigeria. Will the Body of Christ stand up, speak up, and speak out? How long shall we continue in our long march of silence?

@sinbach ~~~ This violence sickened my heart when I was a teen; but what is scary is that this visual no longer stabs my heart as it did once. Such a need to stay close to the heart of Jesus!! Our nation's violent ''entertainment'' has stolen much innocence. There is good reason Paul said to, basically, keep our minds fully occupied with prayer, things honorable, renewing our minds, and wearing a helmet of Salvation!! ~~~ God have mercy on our children !!!!

Today as you attend your church, please remember the martyred Christians in Indonesia. Two days ago 4 Christians from the Salvation Army were killed and beheaded and six churches were burned to the ground.
WARNING - this report contains graphic photos that might be disturbing for minors.

Yesterday, in Argentina we said NO to abortion. Every life matters 💙

today is a sad day. I just learned that my dear friend, a house church pastor in Anhui province, and very dear BTJ partner, his wife passed away.

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