Salvation at the Graduation!
In this Buddhist dominated country, the non-Christians relatives attended the Bible School Graduation, were just thinking of clicking of a selfie with their children. They got more than what they bargained for... One of the Pastors at the Graduation service, shared the simple Gospel message and gave an alter call, close to 10 people responded and accepted Christ. (Representative picture)

We are accepted!
Sharing the Salvation message, leading people to Christ, maturing them as disciples, it's a process, not an event.

We surrender all ! Soon a group of youngsters will memorize John 3:16 and Great Commission from Matthew 28: 18-20.
They are from rural farming background.
We disciple them in various areas.

Pray that these hands may heal the sick, raise the dead and baptize in their poverty stricken communities.

The Police took custody of a non believing spouse and threatened to arrest the believing family member. Please pray for boldness and protection for the minority Christian believers living in this Buddhist country.

Mission accomplished! Thank you for your prayers 🙏
There was a big demand for full Bibles from one country. We prayed,God answered our prayers. We got the Bibles free of cost! Moved to the border Storehouse, then the immigration process became very strict. Customs and import council put separate check points. We lost all hope of taking the Bibles inside the country. Again we prayed.
Then the miracle happened, an importer needed some cushioning materials to stabilize his consignment in a small truck.
We willingly handed over the Bibles, to be transported free of cost to the country! Glory be to God

One of our unit shared baby fishes (fingerlings) to needy believers to multiply and consume.
All weather edible plants, which grow very well in our low cost Aquaponics system, we multiplied during the rainy season.

We stopped dieting and enjoying the traditional, home cooked meals.
The believers are generous, though they are not rich in worldly wealth.

(Representative picture from open source ).

Thank God for the open doors in closed countries! (representative picture from open source).

is to help the believers to understand the original call, fulfilling the Great Commission!

The best part of the training is learning to be with Jesus.
Mark 3:14 He appointed 12 of them so that they would be with him. He would also send them out to preach. 15 And he gave them authority to drive out demons.

We are happy and content with what we have!
Praise the Lord for the food on the table and the beautiful sunshine 🌞

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