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A daughter is facing tough questioning by Judiciary/ Civil administration. In connection with her career plans.

Please pray for one of our leaders daughter, who wants to attend a study program in medical field.
Almost 2500 USD per year.

Please continue to pray as the consignment of Bibles pass through narrow border gates today.

We got them, free of cost! Thank you for praying. We got 'those' Bibles for "that" country!

Thank you friends of for trusting us with sharing the Gospel also about taking care of physical needs of the believers.

Our Agriculture farms (small scale) and farm based businesses are doing very well, by the Grace of God!
We are not perfect yet, but aiming for excellence.
Though we don't follow "Perma culture, Agro forestry or No till farming and any specific methods ; we are blessed to see God restoring the soil and giving 100 fold yield.
We were able to buy dozens of hoes and spades for our associates. Seed saving programs are huge success in forest villages.

Will you please pray for 'Carpenter's Kids' and 'Living Water' training programs?Intensive Prayer, Bible study and leadership training program.
Where Trainers stay with the rural believers and equip them to fulfill the Great Commission!

Please pray for all Gospel proclaimers across the globe, especially in the 10/40 window nations!
Our teams are seeing many miracles and breakthroughs into new regions.
Yes, heartbreaks and backlashes are not deterring us from moving forward.

needs your prayers!
The food crisis is getting worse.
Please remember our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Also the poor, orphans and widows.

Thank God for the 24 x 7 'Running water', 100% Organic food, Solar dryer cum heater, Food preparation that leads to 'Biochar' for farming, etc, etc
Yes, water is continuously flowing from the hills, no chemical fertilizers for farming, no electricity so dependent on Sunlight.
However we are blessed beyond measure.

Discipleship program is going on.

God is making 'seeing eyes blind'.

Strongholds are tumbling down!

(Representative pictures from open source)

Thank you for sending us funds!
Thank you for taking the risk !
Thank you for standing with us!
Thank you for teaching us!
Thank you for the
Feedback from some sessions mentioned above.
3 families, only 1 set of spade and fork.
5 hectares of land, same tools grandparents used.

Strange and unbelievable stories!!!
The primary need is not 'more dollars ' for more ministry.
Breaking the curse of , cycle of paying .

Solid teaching in the Word of God, helping them to have a personal relationship with God.
The journey continues, thank you for your prayers.
(Representative pictures from open source)

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