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Arrowroot plants produce Tubers or roots which are edible. Disease resistant, fast growing and easy to multiply. One of the key plants for fighting hunger and malnutrition.

A businessman friend is applying for permits this week. Mr. Long hand is very active in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Please pray for the believers living in Conflict zones across the world 🌎

Please pray for IDP 's of the world 🌎 Especially for the believers among the
Internally displaced people.

(Pictures are from open source).
It is life saving (for some), entertainment for children, Rocket science for beginners, clean vegetables for the faithful, led /chemical free fish for the learned!
God bless and multiply our efforts to demonstrate John 3:16 .

Please pray for the safety and protection of children from pedophiles, philosophies of the world, gender confusion and distractions of the world.
curriculum to equip children for ministry. Here’s where I’ll be tomorrow, appreciate your PRAYERS :) A BLESSED Feast of Tabernacles to ALL!!!
MISSION: The Gateway Prayer Garden is a place for people to discover God and for committed believers to find their Kingdom assignments.


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